Jacksonville, Florida


Who We Are

The greatest influences in our schools today are the men and women with the title "Coach." They are a focal point on any campus. Coaches are role models for hundreds of kids each day. Thus, these men and women are the mission of the COACHES HONOR ministry.


Founded in 1991, the ministry has grown to encompass more than just coaches. We have vibrant and thriving Bible Studies for men and women who may not be called "Coach," but still have great influence in their homes, businesses and communities. The “nuts and bolts” of COACHES HONOR are the various Bible studies throughout Northeast Florida. As the gospel is proclaimed boldly, hearts are being mended, relationships are growing in depth and in number. Thus, there is much contact work that is a vital part of the growth of this ministry that includes approximately 200 men and women involved at some level. We also have an annual Women’s Weekend in February and a Marriage Weekend in July. These events are some of the highlights of our ministry calendar. The heartbeat of every COACHES HONOR event is to share the truth, goodness and beauty of Jesus Christ with anyone and everyone. We are excited about the continued opportunities to give the Good News away on and off the school campus.

Open Positions

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Jacksonville, Florida


Church Size
300-500 people