Pastor, College and Career ministries

Fellowship Bible Church

Job Description

Pastor, College and Career ministries

Fellowship Bible Church


Fellowship Bible Church (FBC) is a Christ-centered, Bible-believing, multi-generational church located in Belmont, CA.  Our congregation consists of 175-200 person adults (college and up), 50-75 youth/children.  We are primarily an Asian American congregation but are slowly growing to become a multicultural church as we actively look to minister to the community around us.  Our three-fold vision is to 1) Teach the Bible, 2) Share the Gospel, 3) Encourage Christlikeness in all aspects of our lives (details here:


We are seeking a full-time pastor to join our pastoral team.  This position will have multiple responsibilities.  50% of the time will be focused on leading, teaching and shepherding FBC’s college and young adult ministry, called Quest.  25% of the time will be spent on starting a ministry for young married couples, and 25% of the time will be spent guest teaching at various FBC ministries, including preaching from the pulpit on 8-10 Sundays per year. 



Overseeing the Quest (college and young adult) ministry - 50% time

  • Engage with, care for and shepherd the members of Quest.  Be involved in counseling, prayer and other such activities related to ministry
  • Oversee the Biblical teaching and curriculum for Quest.  Be the primary teacher for the Quest ministry on Friday nights.  Lead Bible study preparations for Quest small group leaders. 
  • Build a warm and welcoming community, where college and young adult congregants can find true fellowship.  Set a culture of honesty and transparency, so that Questors feel safe sharing their struggles and challenges in life.
  • Oversee the Quest leadership team (composed of lay volunteers and Quest members) to organize and manage Quest activities and programs
  • Identify, recruit and develop potential future leaders within Quest.  Create a leadership training structure and develop curriculum that prepares them for serving in this capacity
  • Provide opportunities for Questors to use their spiritual gifts to serve each other and members of the broader church
  • Continue to develop the vision for Quest as a ministry within FBC.  Understand the similarities and differences in needs between college and young adults, and determine the best ways to address them.
  • Develop and oversee outreach strategies for Quest
  • Develop and oversee retention strategies for college students who grew up at FBC and return home for summer and/or after graduation

Oversee the young married couples ministry - 25% time

  • Start a ministry for young married couples.  Many of these couples are involved in leading youth or attending other ministries, but do not have one of their own.
  • Develop a vision and structure for the group.
  • Engage with, care for and shepherd the young married couples.  Be involved in counseling, prayer and other such activities related to ministry
  • Build a warm and welcoming community, where congregants can find true fellowship.  Set a culture of honesty and transparency, where the challenges and struggles of marriage can be discussed and shared
  • Identify, recruit and develop potential future leaders within the young married couples. 
  • Oversee the Biblical teaching and curriculum for this ministry

Teaching at other ministries and preaching from the pulpit - 25% time

  • Guest teach at various ministries across FBC, such as CTF (high school ministry) or Step-by-Step (young families)
  • Prepare and preach sermons on 8-10 Sundays per year to FBC’s entire adult congregation in ways that are practical and relevant
  • The ideal teacher will be:
  • An expository preacher who expands people’s knowledge of the Bible
  • A dynamic communicator who conveys the truths of scripture in ways that are understandable and relatable
  • An inspirational speaker who challenges people to take their faith seriously


  • A devoted follower of Christ, who is obedient to the Holy Spirit’s leading
  • A person of integrity, befitting the specifications for elders listed in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.  One who diligently seeks to live out their faith in all areas of their lives
  • Excellent emotional intelligence, with the sensitivity needed to communicate effectively amidst conflict or during difficult circumstances
  • Passion for and commitment to the people they shepherd.  A love for the people God has placed under their care and a desire to build relationships with them.
  • Servant leader who leads by example. One who willingly recruits, mentors and empowers other leaders to see them succeed.
  • A collaborative team player, who can partner effectively with FBC’s staff, elders, deacons, and congregation in pursuit of ministry
  • Takes initiative, self-motivated and has a strong work ethic.  Willing to “roll up their sleeves” to get work done
  • Communicates Biblical truth with love, meaning the courage to take a Biblical stance but with understanding, compassion and sensitivity
  • Thoughtful and exercises good judgment.  Not afraid nor too proud to ask for wisdom from others in order to make the best decision
  • Possesses an open, humble, teachable spirit



  • Inerrancy and authority of Scripture
  • Substitutionary atonement
  • Eternal security
  • Literal Creation
  • Dispensational – premillennial, pretribulational, distinguish Church & Israel
  • Cessationist – sign gifts no longer normative in church practice
  • Complementarian – men & women equal and distinct
  • FBC’s full articles of faith can be found here:
  • Expositional Preaching



  • BS or BA in Biblical studies required, MDiv or equivalent preferred
  • 5+ years of relevant ministry experience preferred
  • Strong biblical knowledge with a deep understanding of Christian theology
  • Excellent interpersonal communication skills.  Able to address sensitive and/or confidential issues with discretion and tact.
  • Demonstrated ability to recruit, equip, motivate and work with lay leaders.
  • Demonstrated ability to mentor, shepherd and inspire those around them
  • The flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances and the resilience to overcome setbacks
  • This position is full-time with the expectation of working on Sundays, nights and weekends as needed

If you like to apply, please submit your resume to [email protected]

Our website:

About Fellowship Bible Church

Pastor, College and Career ministries

Fellowship Bible Church


Fellowship Bible Church (FBC) is a Christ-centered, Bible-believing, multi-generational church located in Belmont, CA.  Our congregation consists of 175-200 person adults (college and up), 50-75 youth/children.  We are primarily an Asian American congregation but are slowly growing to become a multicultural church as we actively look to minister to the community around us.  Our three-fold vision is to 1) Teach the Bible, 2) Share the Gospel, 3) Encourage Christlikeness in all aspects of our lives (details here:


We are seeking a full-time pastor to join our pastoral team.  This position will have multiple responsibilities.  50% of the time will be focused on leading, teaching and shepherding FBC’s college and young adult ministry, called Quest.  25% of the time will be spent on starting a ministry for young married couples, and 25% of the time will be spent guest teaching at various FBC ministries, including preaching from the pulpit on 8-10 Sundays per year. 



Overseeing the Quest (college and young adult) ministry - 50% time

  • Engage with, care for and shepherd the members of Quest.  Be involved in counseling, prayer and other such activities related to ministry
  • Oversee the Biblical teaching and curriculum for Quest.  Be the primary teacher for the Quest ministry on Friday nights.  Lead Bible study preparations for Quest small group leaders. 
  • Build a warm and welcoming community, where college and young adult congregants can find true fellowship.  Set a culture of honesty and transparency, so that Questors feel safe sharing their struggles and challenges in life.
  • Oversee the Quest leadership team (composed of lay volunteers and Quest members) to organize and manage Quest activities and programs
  • Identify, recruit and develop potential future leaders within Quest.  Create a leadership training structure and develop curriculum that prepares them for serving in this capacity
  • Provide opportunities for Questors to use their spiritual gifts to serve each other and members of the broader church
  • Continue to develop the vision for Quest as a ministry within FBC.  Understand the similarities and differences in needs between college and young adults, and determine the best ways to address them.
  • Develop and oversee outreach strategies for Quest
  • Develop and oversee retention strategies for college students who grew up at FBC and return home for summer and/or after graduation

Oversee the young married couples ministry - 25% time

  • Start a ministry for young married couples.  Many of these couples are involved in leading youth or attending other ministries, but do not have one of their own.
  • Develop a vision and structure for the group.
  • Engage with, care for and shepherd the young married couples.  Be involved in counseling, prayer and other such activities related to ministry
  • Build a warm and welcoming community, where congregants can find true fellowship.  Set a culture of honesty and transparency, where the challenges and struggles of marriage can be discussed and shared
  • Identify, recruit and develop potential future leaders within the young married couples. 
  • Oversee the Biblical teaching and curriculum for this ministry

Teaching at other ministries and preaching from the pulpit - 25% time

  • Guest teach at various ministries across FBC, such as CTF (high school ministry) or Step-by-Step (young families)
  • Prepare and preach sermons on 8-10 Sundays per year to FBC’s entire adult congregation in ways that are practical and relevant
  • The ideal teacher will be:
  • An expository preacher who expands people’s knowledge of the Bible
  • A dynamic communicator who conveys the truths of scripture in ways that are understandable and relatable
  • An inspirational speaker who challenges people to take their faith seriously


  • A devoted follower of Christ, who is obedient to the Holy Spirit’s leading
  • A person of integrity, befitting the specifications for elders listed in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.  One who diligently seeks to live out their faith in all areas of their lives
  • Excellent emotional intelligence, with the sensitivity needed to communicate effectively amidst conflict or during difficult circumstances
  • Passion for and commitment to the people they shepherd.  A love for the people God has placed under their care and a desire to build relationships with them.
  • Servant leader who leads by example. One who willingly recruits, mentors and empowers other leaders to see them succeed.
  • A collaborative team player, who can partner effectively with FBC’s staff, elders, deacons, and congregation in pursuit of ministry
  • Takes initiative, self-motivated and has a strong work ethic.  Willing to “roll up their sleeves” to get work done
  • Communicates Biblical truth with love, meaning the courage to take a Biblical stance but with understanding, compassion and sensitivity
  • Thoughtful and exercises good judgment.  Not afraid nor too proud to ask for wisdom from others in order to make the best decision
  • Possesses an open, humble, teachable spirit



  • Inerrancy and authority of Scripture
  • Substitutionary atonement
  • Eternal security
  • Literal Creation
  • Dispensational – premillennial, pretribulational, distinguish Church & Israel
  • Cessationist – sign gifts no longer normative in church practice
  • Complementarian – men & women equal and distinct
  • FBC’s full articles of faith can be found here:
  • Expositional Preaching



  • BS or BA in Biblical studies required, MDiv or equivalent preferred
  • 5+ years of relevant ministry experience preferred
  • Strong biblical knowledge with a deep understanding of Christian theology
  • Excellent interpersonal communication skills.  Able to address sensitive and/or confidential issues with discretion and tact.
  • Demonstrated ability to recruit, equip, motivate and work with lay leaders.
  • Demonstrated ability to mentor, shepherd and inspire those around them
  • The flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances and the resilience to overcome setbacks
  • This position is full-time with the expectation of working on Sundays, nights and weekends as needed

If you like to apply, please submit your resume to [email protected]

Our website:

Experience Required
6 – 10 years


Education Required
Bachelor’s degree

Date Posted
3 years ago
Belmont, California


Church Size

Social Media Accounts