Director of High School Ministries

Chapel City Church

Job Description

Job Description:

  • This is a 20 hour a week part time salaried position at $27,000-$30,000 with potential to increase in hours and salary commensurate with job qualifications.
  • The Director of High School Ministries will:
  • Develop and lead ministry to high school student s and their parents. This ministry would be marked by biblical shepherding that leads to:
  • Discipleship- Encouraging the spiritual growth and maturity of students through teaching, mentoring, and counseling. Encouraging and equipping parents as they provide spiritual direction in the lives of their children. Developing, training, and leading volunteers who serve in this area of youth ministry.
  • Fellowship- Developing among the youth a biblical love for each other, and then integrating this into love for the larger body of Christ at Chapel City Church. Help facilitate transitions between Middle School and High School, as well as High School and Young Adult ministries.
  • Outreach – Challenging and equipping the youth to reach out to their unsaved peers and others with the gospel of Christ.  
  • Service- Instilling the understanding that Christians have been entrusted with spiritual gifts for the building up of the body of Christ, and helping the youth understand, develop, and employ their particular gifts. 
  •  In this role they will develop and administer, with the help of volunteer staff and parents, weekly student meetings, student retreats and winter and summer camps.

Position Qualifications:

  • Bachelor’s Degree preferred.
  • Minimum of 3 years ministry experience, including at least 2 years focused on youth ministry. 
  • Demonstrated ability to structure sustainable ministry (ministry that replicates leadership, training, and administration)
  • Agreement with and the ability to adhere to our statement of faith
  • Qualified in accordance with I Timothy 3 criteria

To Apply:

Please visit our website: for complete application instructions. All applicants must submit their resume and completed supplemental questions to [email protected].

About Chapel City Church

Chapel City Church is located in Camarillo, California, a largely suburban community of approximately 70,000 in Ventura County. Chapel City Church was first established in 1973 and is a participating member in the Evangelical Free Churches of America. We are an elder-led church with liaisons dedicated to all ministries. Our congregation generally mirrors our community demographics. We are a mix of young and established families with a significant number of retirees.


Our High School ministry is currently served by a group of dedicated volunteers, some of whom have served our students for a number of years. They represent a variety of life stages and circumstances, and provide a wide range of gifts and experiences that greatly bless our students. Our desire is to see our director grow this existing leadership team not only in numbers, but in their walk with Christ and their ability to minister to our students. Our high school ministry currently meets once during the week and on Sunday mornings with an average of 15 students from private, public, and home schools.

Experience Required
1 – 5 years


Education Required
High school diploma

Date Posted
3 years ago
Camarillo, California

Evangelical Free

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