Discipleship Pastor

Redemption Hills Church

Job Description


RHC Discipleship Pastor

Job Description


I.               PURPOSE STATEMENT


The Discipleship Pastor will be “all-in” for Jesus by developing the discipleship and connection ministry at Redemption Hills Church. The Discipleship Pastor will build on the current RHC Life Group plan by continuing to develop and execute the RHC Life Group ministry plan with a goal of continuous ministry improvement. This will include the recruiting, training, overseeing, and shepherding of Life Group leaders and coaches whom the Lord raises up for Christian development. Additionally, the Discipleship Pastor will work with the Senior Pastor, Elders, and Staff to expand the RHC theology and apologetics curriculum and develop the discipleship ministry under that overarching theology and apologetics umbrella, including teaching and preaching the Word at Redemption Hills Church.  His purpose will include the creation and development of the RHC Theology School to train the RHC saints to do the work of ministry and to accomplish the Vision and Mission of RHC. Finally, he will lead the development of the connection ministry, including initiating an intentional connection with new attendees at RHC, being intentional about Christian mentoring and discipleship, and leading the saints at RHC to a long-term devotion to Jesus Christ. This will include connecting with new attendees, leading them to become covenant members, and disciplining the saints at RHC saints as they grow in holiness. 




RHC Vision Statement

Communities transformed by the Gospel, thriving for generations through those sent out by Redemption Hills.


RHC Mission Statement

To know Jesus and make Him Known, by making disciples and bringing them to maturity in Christ.


RHC Pillars

Redemption is Family

Redemption is Mission

Redemption is Growing

Redemption is Worship


RHC Values










The Discipleship Pastor will lead all Connections and Discipleship ministries at RHC.  


The Discipleship Pastor will lead the RHC Life Group ministry with a commitment to continuous improvement, including the leadership and expansion of the current Life Group plan. This responsibility entails leading the Life Group curriculum and training new Life Group leaders and coaches. The Pastor will offer continued learning opportunities to existing Life Group leaders and coaches to aid them in their abilities and effectiveness to edify, mentor, and disciple the saints under their charge. He will also communicate with, and guide the Life Group leaders and coaches on a regular basis to inquire of any spiritual needs they may have in their own lives as well as any needs that arise in the leadership of their group. The Discipleship Pastor will minister to the Life Group leaders and coaches in such a way that there would be a minimal amount of “burnout” and or discouragement as Life Groups grow.


The Discipleship Pastor will develop the connection ministry, mentoring ministry, and discipleship ministry of RHC in cooperation with the Senior Pastor, Elders, and Staff of the church by developing and leading a ministry that will yield a well-rounded disciple of Christ. The Discipleship Pastor will develop an intentional and effective connection ministry from the moment a new attendee walks in the door at RHC, to a goal of them becoming covenant members, through their sanctified walk as a long-term mature believer in Jesus Christ at RHC.


The Discipleship Pastor will work in concert with the Senior Pastor, Elders, and Staff to develop the doctrinal content of a theological and apologetics curriculum that will be used to ensure Biblical fidelity, practical helpfulness, and cultural relevancy. The goal will be applied theology that is transformative.  This will include the formation and leadership of an RHC Theology School to train future ministry leaders and RHC church planters. The Discipleship Pastor will be expected to teach theology, teach apologetics, teach Bible classes, and preach God’s Word; as well as to train and recruit other qualified, gifted teachers to do the same.


The Discipleship Pastor will also be involved in aiding the leaders of the RHC Children’s, Youth, Young Adults, and age/gender Ministry Directors in choosing curriculum for age-appropriate programs.




·      Education: Bachelor’s degree in any field, Graduate degree in Theology. Master of Divinity preferred.

·      Experience: Three to Five years of Pastoral ministry in a church or mission.

·      Experience in church ministry as an effective pastoral leader preferred.

·      Concern for the body of Christ and conveying the truth of Scripture while possessing a passion to see members growing into mature, fully functioning disciples of Jesus Christ.

·      Experience as a pastoral leader in an expanding, multiplicative, church planting environment preferred.  

·      An individual with a spirit of submission, eagerness, flexibility, a teachable spirit, and a sense of humor.

·      A clear testimony of faith in Jesus Christ and a vital, growing personal relationship with Him.

·      Commitment to moral purity.

·      Commitment to the Vision, Mission, Pillars, and Values of RHC is a must.

·      Demonstrated excellence as a gifted teacher of the Bible.


V.             ABILITIES


·                Is a counselor, mentor, and teacher with people leadership skills.

·                A heart for the spiritual formation of those in the congregation, especially for those participating in Life Groups, for new attendees, and those being mentored and discipled at RHC. Namely – everybody.

·                Possesses relational skills and an enthusiastic presence for leading multiplicative efforts such as church planting and the development of new church leaders.

·                An expert in verbal communication, organization, administration, and interpersonal relationships.

·                An expert in the use of technology in teaching including social media, podcasts, new-wave technology, computers, PowerPoint, and video projection.

·                A self-starter who is totally “sold out” for Jesus with a complete commitment to the gospel and ministry of Jesus Christ.

·                A team player with a positive attitude who is willing to work in a structured environment with cooperation and willing submission.




·      Maintain an authentic and growing walk with Jesus Christ through the ongoing spiritual disciplines of Bible reading, prayer, personal worship, fasting, confession, and fellowship.  

·      Spend time developing relationships with lost people to be personally effective in pursuing the Great Commission and helping the church to do the same.

·      Able to teach with great boldness the Word of God without fear.

·      Able to teach with great clarity the Doctrines of Scripture and the story of gospel redemption.

·      A clear grasp of Reformed Theology with a commitment to the Doctrines of Grace.

·      An unashamed willingness and ability to proclaim the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

·      A passionate desire to see the Saints grow in both the knowledge and in the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.

·      An ability to do Biblical counseling for personal edification and discipleship.




·      Reports to the Senior Pastor with oversight by Church Elders.

·      Participates in Staff meetings, Elder meetings, and church-wide extended Ministry meetings as required.

Experience Required
1-5 years


Education Required
Master's Degree

Date Posted
5 months ago
Littleton, Colorado

Church Size
200-300 people