Business Operations Director

Life Bible Fellowship

Job Description

This full time position has the overall responsibility for the ongoing operations of the church. This includes: Accounting and finance, facilitity maintenance and scheduling, human resources, IT, legal and compliance functions. This position will also have managerial oversight for the finance and facility support staff and will report to the Lead Pastor.

We are looking for a person who has a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. They and their family will need to take an active role in the life and ministry of Life Bible Fellowship Church. This is demonstrated through regualr attendance in the Sunday Worship services as well as other functions of the church. This person will also need to be in full agreement and able to defend LBF's doctrinal statement.

We are also looking for a person with experience in the ability to manage teams; a person with experience in accounting and with computer proficiency to inlcude networking sysytems, Windows, Mac, office suites and office productivity management software.

A complete job description and details about the history of the church will be sent upon receiving a cover letter and resume.

Send your information to [email protected]

About Life Bible Fellowship

LBF Church's Mission: We exist to passionately pursue LIFE in Jesus and to lead our neighbors to do the same. LBF Distinctives: The following are our church distinctives which describe who we are and hope to be as a church. Generations United: people of all ages worshiping, serving, and experiencing life together. Strong Biblical Teaching: discovering what the Bible means and applying it to our lives. People in Process: a place of authenticity where people can be real and find love and acceptance. Contagious Faith: where sharing with others about Jesus begins with friendship. Small Groups: growing spiritually with others in a safe, smaller setting. Working Together: a team approach to meeting the needs of our church and community Cultural Relevance: connecting the message to our time.

Experience Required
1 – 5 years


Education Required
Bachelor’s degree

Date Posted
3 years ago
Upland, California


Church Size

Social Media Accounts