Childrens Pastor

Covenant Community Church

Job Description

Job Description:

About Our Church

Covenant Community Church is a United Methodist church located on the east side of Asheville, NC. Covenant is a contemporary church planted in 1993. The church building shares a road with A.C. Reynolds High School and Middle School which provides ample opportunity for community involvement. We are focused on building relationships and serving our community in the name of Jesus Christ.

Our Mission:                     

Inviting all people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Our Vision:

Connecting with God, Connectiing with each other and connecting with our community.


Salary: $35-45K/year

Children’s Pastor


  1. Full Time
  2. Reports to lead pastor


  1. Model a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
  2. Undergraduate degree and seminary degree or equivalent training preferred.
  3. Experience successfully leading or assisting Children’s Ministry in a medium to large size church. 
  4. A passion, excitement and energy for Children’s Ministry.


  1. Relationally invest in children’s ministry volunteers, parents and children.
  2. Provide training, evaluate resources and provide visionary leadership to equip the members of the Children’ Ministries Team.
  3. Provide pastoral care to children and their families during times of need.Recruit new volunteers and offer appropriate training and resources in the areas they will be serving.
  4. Recruit new volunteers and offer appropriate training and resources in the areas they will be serving.
  5. Coordinate training of and ensure compliance with the Safe Sanctuary policies and procedures for all volunteers serving in children's ministry.
  6. Provide pastoral assimilation to new children and families.
  7. Coordinate budget preparation and administration for the assigned program ministries of the church.
  8. Office duties as necessary (answering the phone, making copies, etc.)
  9. Preaching on Sunday morning as necessary.
  10. Provide supervision for these areas of Children’s ministries:

          a. Sunday morning ministries

          b. Wednesday evening child care and program during Fall and Spring

          c. Outreach events to invite the community into the life of the church

          d. Annual activities – Vacation Bible School, Feeding programs and other special events

Application Questions

  1. Please share your calling into pastoral ministry.
  2. How do I/can I know God’s will for my life?
  3. What is a Christian’s purpose?
  4. What is the Kingdom of God?
  5. Present the Gospel in your own words?
  6. Who are your favorite authors and books?

Please send resume, cover letter, answers to the questions to Rich Tuttle at [email protected].

Experience Required
1 – 5 years


Education Required
Bachelor’s degree

Date Posted
3 years ago
Asheville, North Carolina

United Methodist

Church Size

Social Media Accounts