Job Description

“We’re looking for someone with the heart of a church planter, but a love for the local church.”

The Pastor of Outreach position is a permanent job where the gentleman will work side-by-side with Pastor Andre in nurturing the Twin Oaks church family and reaching our community. The campus of Twin Oaks Avenue Baptist Church is located in Citrus Heights, CA. After 65 years of fruitful ministry the church has experienced decline. Understanding the need for a new generation to view Twin Oaks as their gathering place to celebrate Christ and grow together, Twin Oaks sees the calling of an Outreach Pastor as a necessary component. It is a salaried position paying between $25,000 and $30,000 annually, compensatory to experience and the arranged tasks and time constraints. Twin Oaks concedes that such a salary package may necessitate additional employment, but will expect the pastor to serve about 18 hours per week, and share on-call duties with Pastor Andre as emergencies arise.

Job Description


The Outreach Pastor (the qualified candidate that Twin Oaks calls to come and pastor with Pastor Andre) will have the following job responsibilities:

As a minister to our community, he will build relationships and common bonds with individuals, families, and groups among us. With the hope of raising up a new generation of believers at Twin Oaks, he will look to establish weekly Bible studies or similar gatherings (services) outside of the present church activities. Note: an intentional focus on young adults is expected, but not to the neglect of multi-generational ministry opportunities. The Pastor of Outreach will be asked to set annual written goals for this endeavor, and update the Twin Oak church family with quarterly reports at our church business meetings.  

As a minister to our church family, he will share duties with Pastor Andre coordinating Sunday preaching assignments and worship arrangements, as well as weekly activities, special events, and new endeavors. In the initial design, the Outreach Pastor will be called to preach roughly a third of the Sunday sermons, but no more than half.  His talents, time constraints, and outreach work will be carefully considered so as to maximize the staff and leadership’s productivity.

As a minister who joins the work with Pastor Andre, he will be asked to join in carrying out and communicating the vision of Twin Oaks. Through prayer, discussion, and observation they will work to refine and implement this vision that God may be glorified and that the stated purpose of Twin Oaks might be fulfilled. Pastor Andre and the Outreach Pastor will meet regularly and plan periodic times of prayer.   It is understood that in the position of pastor the primary role for decisions and operations will be held by Pastor Andre and secondarily the Pastor of Outreach. With regards to specific and exclusive new generation ministries Pastor Andre will assume a mentoring/sponsoring role. 


The qualified candidate will:

Ø Be a growing Christian for over 5 years.

Ø Believe in the inerrancy of the Bible, the fundamentals of the faith therein, and have displayed the ability to effectively preach and teach the Scripture.

Ø Demonstrate an understanding of people’s lost condition and the courage & creativity to connect to such young people in our community.

Ø Have a history of service in on-going church ministries or related para-church experience.

Ø Have completed or be in the process of completing a Bible college or seminary degree, or equivalent academic training.

Ø Have a familiarity with Southern Baptist tradition and a commitment to the Baptist Faith and Message (our confession of faith).

Ø Become a member of Twin Oaks by taking the Membership Seminar, signing the Church Covenant, and then receive the church family’s vote of approval. 

Ø Meet the overarching qualifications spelled out in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9.

Call / Application Process

It should be understood first that the Church By-laws Article II, Sections 1 & 1A state the following:

Section 1. The pastor shall be called by a majority vote of the members present and in good standing* at any regular business meeting of the church, provided that at least one week’s notice has been given of the intention of the calling of a pastor , or a special meeting provided that the announcement has been made from the pulpit on two consecutive Sundays preceding the meeting. The pastor is to be called for an indefinite term. He may terminate his service by giving the church not less than 15 days written or oral notice. Likewise, the church may change pastors by giving the pastor 15 days notice. The pastor shall be elected by secret ballot upon the recommendation of a Pastor Search Committee composed of at least five persons.

Section 1A. The selection of an interim or assistant pastor will follow the procedures in Section 1.


Clarification:   * Article IV of the Church Constitution states that members who (1) fail to attend church services for over a year or (2) fail to alert a church officer, presumably to express their interest in active membership, will in such instance be put on the inactive roll. Participation in church business is a privilege for active members only.

Under these instructions and in addition to them, the interested candidate will:

·        Submit his resume and any other pertinent information to the Pastor Search Committee.

·        State to the Committee any Christian institution or similar group affiliation that he has membership with.  

·        Submit a Statement of Qualifications - highlighting his work in evangelism & outreach, as well as public speaking experience (i.e. “I believe I am qualified for the following reasons….”).

The most qualified candidates will be contacted for further consideration. Thank you.

Experience Required
6 – 10 years


Education Required
Some college

Date Posted
3 years ago
Citrus Heights, California

Baptist: SBC

Church Size

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